
Chinese Herbs:

Chinese Herbology is the use of traditional plants to help change the balance within the body and recover a sense of wellbeing. Once we diagnose the patient, the herbs can help the body gradually change and become more balanced. We see both short and long term results with the use of the proper herbs.


Traditional Acupuncture:

Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-thin needles into anatomical points on the body. The theory is that Qi, life's energy, moves through pathways of the body and can be influenced at these points. We have watched many aspects of the body improve through using acupuncture. The acupuncture sessions are very relaxing, and most patients report a deep sense of balance and wellbeing after a treatment. 



Cupping is the technique of drawing up the skin under suction. The suction, either stationary or moving, can help break up stagnation under the skin, relaxing muscles and improving range of motion. It is also used to open the pores and clear surface pathogens such as the early stages of the common cold. 

Frequency Specific Microcurrent:

Frequency Specific Microcurrent is the use of specific frequencies under 1,000 Hz to help change patterns in the body. It is painless and can help issues from muscles and tendons to internal imbalances. 

Exercise Therapy: 

Exercise therapy is specific to each person on their quest for better health. Our bodies are made to move but getting to that wonderful state where they move well comes as we progress on our path to health. 

Diet Therapy:

Diet therapy is very important for reestablishing the gut biome, which influences the brain and the body. Some foods are very helpful and others are not for each person. We tailor the dietary recommendations to each individiual and their unique case.